A bedrock assumption at Auxano is the belief that a "strategic outsider" is indispensable to effective ministry. So when I see a post like this one by Todd Rhoades of Leadership Network I want to pass it along...

"As a leader in your church, do you have people who will tell you what you need to hear? You know, straight shooters who tell it like it really is, challenge you, and tip you off when things are straying off course? We're not talking about the typical church complainer or antagonist. We're talking about individuals worthy of respect, have a good pulse on your church's life, and hold you accountable to the church's mission and vision...

Michael McKinney has a fascinating post at his LeadershipNow.com Web site where he cites author Keith McFarland (author of The Breakthrough Company). McFarland calls these types of people ‘insultants.’ They’re willing “to ask the tough questions that cause a company (or a church) to think critically about its fundamental assumptions. The value of insultants is that they will go to great lengths to get their [church] to reevaluate a position or adapt to a changing environment.”

Do you have any church insultants? According to McFarland’s research, 90 percent of business CEOs believed they did. However, only 60 percent of their direct reports believed the same companies had a culture that insultants could have input.

What’s the value of a true insultant? According to McFarland, “Often authority figures are wrong, and if an organization doesn’t have a strong insultant culture, errors are likely to be propagated throughout the [church].”

So, here’s today’s question to ponder: Do you have any church insultants who speak into your leadership and vision? If not, who would be willing to become a valuable insultant for your ministry?"

Topics: Date: Mar 1, 2008 Tags: