As a clarity evangelist, I can't think of anything more important to be clear on than the gospel. In the book Church Unique, I play with the idea of "10 words or less" when articulating the most important stuff of church life and church vision. The best leaders can and must communicate their biggest ideas in short, simple ways.  

I was excited therefore, that Demian Farnworth, who blogs at Fallen and Flawed, asked 12 fellow bloggers to articulate the gospel in 10 words or less.  The biggest ideas possible, and the grandest story ever told, put to as few strokes on the keyboard as possible. He asks us to consider this "micro-theology, petite-worship, and nano-sermons."  Here are the results: 

“Jesus’ death and resurrection completes God’s plan to redeem mankind.” Don Dudley, You See Dry Bones

“Christ’s blood seals God’s promise to reconcile us with Him.” Eric Ruhnow [Who Tends the Fire]

“Jesus’ blood calls, converts, cleanses, cures, carries the once condemned.”Abigail [abigail's leftovers]

“Blood-bought covenantal intimacy with God for sinners through Jesus.” Daniel Wilson [Desire for Spiritual Growth]

“Repent of your sins / trust in Christ alone for salvation.” Devotee of Francis Turretin [Thoughts of Francis Turretin]

“Christ’s death: rescued from self-made destruction, adopted as God’s child.”Emily Schankweiler [A Sacrifice of Praise]

“Restoring all things by the life and death of Jesus.” Nathan Bliss [bliss]

“Whole world sorted, put right, made friends again through Christ.” Andrew Jones [Tall Skinny Kiwi]

“Christ died for our sins, was raised and is Lord.” Trevin Wax [Kingdom People] quoting Martin Luther.

“Man must repent and believe in the Lord Jesus.” Michael Patton [Parchment and Pen]

“Be sick. Be loved.” Jon Acuff [Stuff Christians Like]

“Adoption through propitiation.” Kevin DeYoung [DeYoung, Restless, Reformed] quoting J. I. Packer

Topics: Date: Aug 6, 2009 Tags: