If you have not seen the new tool we have developed at Auxano, I encourage you to check it out.  It's called SUMS. They are totally free book summaries, created by church leaders for church leaders. SUMS are:

  • Compact for high-impact reading

  • A pure summary and not a review

  • Hyperlinked to go deeper

  • Attractively designed

  • Concluded with staff meeting action steps

I won't typically post these on my blog, but I wanted to make sure you got to see a few of these if you haven't pulled the trigger. And by the way, this makes a great holiday reading or a New Year e-mail gift— so feel free to pass these on.

Here are the first four summaries we released.

Be sure to sign up at the Vision Room and get the next SUMS free every other week in your inbox. That's right, 26 book summaries a year totally free.
Topics: Date: Dec 29, 2012 Tags: book summaries / church leaders / staff meetings / SUMS