• God still speaks

  • If your vision is not stunningly unique, you probably don't have one 

  • However clear the leader is, a surprising gap exists between the leader's vision and the team's clarity

  • Leaders emotionally substitute two things for real vision: 1) simplistic answers (copycat vision) or 2) busyness (more is more)

  • The easiest measure of sustained clarity is the ability to say "no" repeatedly, and feel good about it

  • Followers need vision because the future is not here yet and their activity today lacks meaning

  • The best way to know "what should be" is to do a better job knowing "what was," "what is," and "what could be" 

  • Vision moves through people not paper

  • With a little training anyone can be an everyday visionary

  • Vision dripping is more important than vision casting (#visiondrip)