How are you helping your best leaders grow in the area of applying strategy and visionary thinking? 

  • What about every person on staff?
  • What about the elders or deacons or administrative council?
  • What about every person leading a small group or bible study?

These questions got me thinking more specifically about the developmental process of visionary leadership. What came from the reflection is 28 "competencies." I use this word loosely because these simple statements need more refinement before they could be used for a serious assessment tool. Yet I think they are useful at illustrating a range of development.

The matrix from which the 28 ideas came, started with a two simple assumptions. First there are five areas of clarity that a visionary leader needs to know. The five areas are the components of the Vision Frame. (Learn more about the frame.) The second, is that each area of the frame requires a movement from understanding to appreciation to application. The head, heart and hands must all play their part!


If we have people who are growing on this simple continuum, with all aspects of clarity, then your leaders and including your core team will be an unstoppable force.

What else would you add?