I am grateful for Lindy Lowry at Outreach Magazine and her interest in publishing topics related to vision and clarity for church leaders.  Recently they published:

A feature article on Vision as The Indespensable Element in the Nov/Dec issue.  I was really hoping that Bill Hybels was getting old enough that they might put my picture on the cover. No chance, as Bill is aging pretty well!  Here is a link to the original article. that builds from chapter four of Church Unique.

A follow-up original article entitled, "Why Your Church Needs a Vision Frame" can be read in it's entirety at Outreach. 

In addition, Brian Orme has done an excellent job launching ChurchLeaders.com (an Outreach Magazine website) and is a great collection of top blog content from many different church leaders. I am grateful for his including my content including two features in October: 7 Checkpoints to a Great Guest Experience. and 10 Power Principles of Church Strategy.  You will definitely want to check out these great tools if you haven't already.