I am spending two days at the Innovation3 Conference hosted by Leadership Network today and tomorrow. RIght now, Stacy Spencer from New Directions Church is preaching the good news clarity and the message of Church Unique. "Get on your Zag" is the exhortation coined from a great little branding read by Marty Neumeier entitled, Zag. The opening of Marty's introduction to the title:

As the pace of business quickens and the number of brands multiplies, it's customers, not companies, who decide which brands live and which ones die. An over-abundance of look-alike products and me-too services is forcing customers to search for something, anything to help them separate the winners from the clutter.

The solution.  When everybody zigs, zag.

Spencer has done a great job of both confessing personally and demonstrating the problem of photocopied vision in the church world today. Everyone zigs and we try zigging better, faster, etc.  In his own effort to reach people that the church typically disregards, he likewise challenges church leaders to "Get on your Zag," by finding your unique vision.  He urges leaders to fill in the blank: My church is the only church that _________________. What words would you put in the blank?  What is your Kingdom Concept?

Spencer leads New Directions with the clear mission to Empower all people to know God through life changing experiences from the inside out.
Topics: Date: Jan 27, 2009 Tags: