Welcome to the celebrated methodology of the God dreams book
Since the release of the God Dreams book in 2016, I started a new consulting organization and wrote two new books. In the process of linking my content back to WillMancini.com and consolidating my intellectual property for tools and certifications, prior links and company references in the first 50,000 books printed may be outdated.
You are now at the official source for free content. By March of 2023 this site will provide more free equipping videos and ready-to-use tools than ever before. I'm glad you are here. Let's light up your imagination for gospel impact in your city, in your lifetime.
At the end of this resource page, you will find ways to connect with me if you are a lead pastor who wants coaching or if you are a church consultant that wants mentoring. Let's forge together the next chapter of CHURCH!

To start...
Be sure to download the Visual Summary and five free chapters. The Visual Summary was created in collaboration with Jessica McCartney, a good friend and talented artist. We spent countless hours building this gorgeous 52-page PDF as a birds-eye-view of the book. My favorite part of the summary is the 12 template designs that work great as slide show while training your team. By the way, all three of my books on the church, including Church Unique (2008) and Future Church (2020), have free visual summaries available.
GET IT >> God Dreams Visual Summary

The free chapters...
are provided for special purpose. Chapter one is to fire you up about the role of vision and imagination in the church. In a nutshell your church doesn't need a vision statement; it needs a visionary state of mind.
GET IT >> Chapter 1: Pursuing God Dreams
The 4-chapter packet below covers the 12 Vision Templates with over 70 illustrations from scripture, church history and current models. Originally, the publisher would not allow me to give these away, but since I now own the book these are my gift to you. My hope is for you to invite key lay leaders to provide input without having to burden them with the entire "how-to" process. Just send them this 4-chapter set and ask them to weigh in. (Who doesn't want more ownership?)
GET IT >> 4-Chapter Set for the 12 Vision Templates
In most of my visionary planning consulting, I invite a broad leadership community, even in large, staff-driven cultures, to speak into the vision. That's one reason why this process works in small-town USA as well as America's giga-churches. The conversation is the win.

The original hardcopies have links to the free resources in several chapters.
As promised in the book, the following are links to the "GodDrea.ms/" extensions:

Since hundreds of coaches and consultants are certified in the God Dreams toolbox, here is my personal "Ted Talk" deck that I give across the country and to those I've trained. It has visually delightful and effective features:
- Reducing the 10 church planning problems to a top 5 with images for each
- Giving a graphic example of how to use the visionary plan on a napkin sketch or a flip chart/whiteboard
- Using a pictorial example of how the four horizons relate to "seeing
- Providing super clear illustration of a church planter in Houston– shout out to Jeremiah!
- Integrating killer graphic designs for the 12 templates for a quick overview

I serve the church with the God Dreams toolbox directly in three ways:
- I coach pastors for 4-months via three zoom sessions monthly to lead their teams through the process. The investment is $6,000 for 12 sessions. This coaching experience is 100% tailored to your church context. If it doesn't change the trajectory of your leadership, I'll give your money back.
- I certify consultants to use the tools in group settings and 1-1. The investment for varies depending on the size of the group and starts at $3,500. If you are called by God to consult, this training is the single best way to make a full-time income in the church space.
- I embed the God Dreams tools in my consulting organization called Pivvot, based on my most recent book, Future Church. In this 10-session onsite/virtual hybrid experience, I walk you through two full days of God Dreams facilitation and 90-days of follow-up coaching. Our team has a sliding scale based on a church's size culture ranging from 50 to 50,0000 in attendance. (That translates to investments ranging between $15,000 and $150,000.) These agreements are divided into 12 payments over a 12-month journey and are cancellable at any time. That means no risk to test drive the value.
For more information on my services or for bulk orders of God Dreams books, email me at: Will@ChurchPivvot.com

Two Vintage Videos:
The first one is an extended teaching on the Horizon Storyline and how it emerged from Church Unique and the Vision Framing process. The second one is an extended teaching on the 12 Vision Templates and how it emerged from over 10,000 hours of facilitating church teams.