Now let’s examine a second definition for the word default:

Default: A selection made usually automatically or without active consideration due to lack of a viable alternative

This definition exposes the liability of that darned hidden vision switch. What’s at stake? Pastors make “automatic” decisions without “active consideration” of “viable alternatives.”

So how do we open our mind’s eye to consider new alternatives? That’s what FLUX is about.

When a pastor thinks about a better future for the church, the default desire is more of the same thing (usually attendance) the same way (existing ministry model). We will call this “same thing – same way,” thinking for short.

If we create a matrix of the four potential paths, you have the start of one simple whiteboard drawing. Think of it as an innovation matrix. I like to call it the “Better Future Window.” Through this window, you’ll see the four paths.

In FLUX, each one of these four paths is named (Maximizing, Adapting, Infusing and Creating) with illustrations from many different churches. In addition, I provide sixteen super-questions for ministry innovation to use in your next ministry staff meeting or retreat.

I encourage you to download the Leadia app and discover the full FLUX experience. Also, if you leave a comment on the first part of this post, I will send the first 100 commenters a FREE copy of the print version of FLUX coming out later this year. Be sure to include your address. GO BACK to part 1

This post is an Excerpt from Flux: Four Paths to the Future, on Leadia by Leadership Network

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